Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 18 APRIL
Abstract submission is now open. Please follow these instructions:
Please download the abstract template and save it with EasyChair using the link further down this page.
Abstract Template – Colloids 17 Abstract Template
Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (not including title, author’s affiliations, role, institution or contact details), and should not exceed 1 A4 sheet in total. Any images or tables should be set in black & white.
Abstracts should be saved with EasyChair, an online abstract submission site. Follow the link below to go to their website. You will need to create an account. Then add a submission using the submission tab and “add a submission”. Please make sure one of the authors is saved as a corresponding author (tick box). There is a help option if you need any guidance.
Closing date for oral submissions has been extended to 18 April. A decision about submissions will be fed back by 28th April 2017.
Poster abstracts will be received until 12 June 2017.
For papers accepted, once notified the author must register and pay his/her conference fee, otherwise their paper/poster cannot be confirmed in the programme.
Poster session sponsors
Centre for Formulation Engineering
RSC Manchester and District Local Section
Greenwich Research and Enterprise